Romance scams, student loan scams, government representative scams?
Why are there so many and how do we keep up? Scammers are becoming more and more creative and there are so many different ways they might try to deceive you into falling for a scam. Did you know that there are numerous types of phone scams? Take a look at the article below to see an example of 15 different ways scammers might try to trick you over the phone. The Federal Trade Commission has an entire library of insightful information on the best ways to recognize a scam so you can protect yourself from the various tactics scammers use. Click the button below to make sure you’re up to date on the latest scams and learn how to protect you and your loved ones.BEWARE – Here are some of the reasons fraudsters will try to get you to share your information or send them money. DO NOT respond to them. DO NOT click on unknown links. Hang up and call the number or person you know to verify the contact or situation. We are always glad for you to call the Credit Union to verify any unusual contact you may have received concerning your account at 1st Community.
To protect your account at a financial institution
Pay for tech support for a problem with your computer
Pay for a family member in trouble
Pay for an IRS debt
Keep your Social Security benefits
To keep your utilities on
Pay bail or ransom
Click Here to read an in-depth article from Reader’s Digest that looks at 15 different phone scams.
Below is information from the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) on some of our most current Fraud topics members are encountering. They are FREE, quick and easy to read and could SAVE You Time and Money if you are prepared when a fraudster approaches you by phone, email, text, through your computer, or even in person.
Fraud Alerts and Credit Freezes
Gift Card Scams
How to Avoid a Scam
Money Mule Scams
Online Dating Scams
Scams and Your Small Business