1st Community Federal Credit Union offers you the option to complete paperwork and financing through 1st Community at the dealership.
Indirect Auto Dealers
1st Community offers a program called Indirect Vehicle Financing. This program allows you the ability to complete paperwork and finance through 1st Community at the dealership. (the interest rate may be higher for this convenience)Below is the list of dealerships that 1st Community works with in this program. We are not endorsing any dealer listed below and we do not offer any express or implied warranty on any transaction or purchase from one of the listed dealerships.
We encourage you to first get pre-approved at the credit union and then shop for the best deal. Getting pre-approved lets you:
- Save time at the dealership
- Gives you the bargaining power of cash
- Lets you know your interest rate and potential monthly payment
- Lets you know the maximum purchase you can make
Indirect Auto Financing Dealers – New & Used Vehicle Loans
All American Chevrolet of San Angelo | San Angelo, TX | Chevrolet | www.allamericanchevroletsanangelo.com |
All American Chevrolet of Midland | Midland, TX | Chevrolet | www.allamericanchevroletmidland.com |
All American Chrysler Jeep Dodge of San Angelo | San Angelo, TX | Chrysler Jeep Dodge/Ram Fiat | www.allamericanchryslersanangelo.com |
All American Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Odessa | Odessa, TX | Chrysler Jeep Dodge | www.allamericanchryslerodessa.com |
Amistad Motors | Fort Stockton, TX | Chevrolet & Buick | www.amistadmotors.net |
Auto Smart | Odessa, TX | Used Autos | www.autosmarttexas.com |
Brown Honda of San Angelo | San Angelo | Honda | www.brownhondasanangelo.com/ |
Car Town Hyundai | San Angelo, TX | Hyundai | www.cartownsanangelo.com |
Driver's Direct | Odessa, TX | used autos | www.yourdriversdirect.com |
Fun Town RV | San Angelo, TX | Walkabout, Nomad, Layton, Aljo, Mountain View, Excel, Raven & Consign all makes and models | www.funtownrvsanangelo.com |
Glasscock Chevrolet | Big Lake, TX | Chevrolet & Buick | www.glasscockchevrolet.com |
Ivey Motors | Robert Lee, TX | Ford | www.iveymotors.net |
Jim Bass Ford | San Angelo, TX | Ford, Mazda, Lincoln | www.jimbassford.com |
Jim Bass Nissan | San Angelo, TX | Nissan | www.jimbassnissan.com |
KIA of San Angelo | San Angelo, TX | KIA | www.kiaofsanangelo.com |
Lawrence Hall Chevrolet | Anson, TX | Chrevrolet, Buick, Cadillac, GMC | www.lawrencehallanson.com |
Mazda of Midland | Midland, TX | Mazda | www.mazdaofmidland.com |
Mercedes-Benz of Midland | Midland | Mercedes-Benz | www.mercedesbenzofmidland.com |
Mitchell Buick-GMC | San Angelo, TX | Buick & GMC | www.mitchellbuickgmc.com |
Mitchell Toyota | San Angelo, TX | Toyota | www.mitchelltoyota.com |
Monahans Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram | Monahans, TX | Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Fiat | www.monahanschevygmc.com |
Monahans Chevrolet Buick GMC | Monahans, TX | Chevrolet, Buick, GMC | www.monahanschevygmc.com |
Sewell Chrysler Jeep Dodge | Andrews, TX | Chrysler, Jeep & Dodge | www.sewellchryslerdodgejeepram.com |
Sewell Ford | Andrews, TX | Ford & Lincoln | www.sewellandrews.com |
The Car Store | Midland, TX | www.carstoreof midland.com | |
Volkswagen of Midland | Midland, TX | Volkswagen | www.vwofmidlandodessa.com |
West Texas Nissan | Odessa, TX | Nissan | www.westtexasnissan.com |