Multi-Factor Authentication

1st Community FCU will begin requiring a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) step beginning Thursday, March 6, 2025, before you will be allowed access to your account through online banking or our mobile app.  MFA will provide you with an extra layer of security and protection on your account.  Almost everyone has become familiar with the MFA process for all kinds of secure logins like on medical accounts, but please be aware of some important points:

  • MFA requires you to enter your username and password and answer a security question during login any time MFA is required.
    • Business accounts – if you are using BizLink247 you will not be required to use MFA since there are already multiple levels of access security on these accounts.
  • Once you have authenticated your device/browser you will be able to utilize your face ID, PIN, fingerprint or voice recognition until the next MFA is required.
  • Once you have entered your current login information, the system will respond with the first screen below asking you to choose and register your phone number or choose the email address to receive the MFA code. The second screen shows where you will enter the code once you have received it.
    • DO NOT share the MFA code/number with anyone. Other people (Joint Owners) who are listed on your account will receive their own access code/number to their device when they log in as long as their mobile number is listed on your account. 
    • If you receive an MFA number that you DID NOT request, please contact the Credit Union immediately.


  • It is critical that we have the Owner’s/Member’s (first person listed on the account) correct mobile phone number listed FIRST on your account so you can receive these codes. (This first position phone number labeled as MOBILE on your account is also used to send you eAlerts and authorizations for your 1CFCU debit and/or credit card.)  If you have a joint owner that also accesses your account, you will need to be sure to verify their mobile number is also listed on your account so they will receive the option to choose their number to have their MFA code sent to.
    • Prior to March 6th, you can easily verify what phone numbers are currently showing on your account by clicking on Personal Information in Online Banking or the Mobile App (example shown below). After March 6th if you have problems accessing your account, please contact the Credit Union at 325/653-1465 or 800/749-1465.
      • Remember the Owner’s/Member’s (first person listed on the account) MOBILE phone number must be listed FIRST, then it can be followed in any order by Home, Work or Joint phone numbers. If any of the numbers are incorrect, the best way to update them is to either call or come by so we can properly update your information.


Texts from 1st Community FCU concerning MFA will be coming from
our Essential Messages text line – 325-884-6928.

Click Here for more information about 1CFCU’s texting services.